List Of Interests For Dating Profile

List of interests for dating profile template

List Of Hobbies And Interests There are certain activities and hobbies that give us immense pleasure and can even make us forget the tensions of everyday life. Hobbies are considered to be a real stress buster by some, while others think of them as a nice escape from the drudgery of routine life. Here are 5 common profile mistakes guys make that.really. stand out in short dating profiles: #1: Writing A Boring List Whether it’s a list of adjectives to describe yourself or your top 5 hobbies, reading a bunch of words separated by commas just isn’t very compelling. A photo of dating walking your dog or playing golf most your Dad profiles get you a lot farther than a photo of you at the bar, drinking. Women are generally looking for someone who is career driven and goal-oriented. You you are career dating, show women that side of you in your profile. Dating not take selfies the post gym photos.

List of interests for dating profile sample

How to Make Your Dating Profile Far More Interesting

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This is a guest post by Kate Houston of

My Interests Profile

I had a client whose original profile asserted, I love to cook. As a professional dating profile writer, I can tell you that about 80% of the profiles I read say the very same thing.

Eventually I learned this client not only loved to cook, she loved it so much she collected antique cookbooks. I also learned she was a truly unconventional woman in many respects. So, rather than keep, I love to cook, I began her profile with I have a recipe that says, “catch and pluck 10 chickens”. But, don’t worry, I don’t usually do what I’m told.

My point is that your interests are not necessarily what make you interesting, it’s how those interests are manifested that make you interesting. For instance, I had a client who loved to travel – a fairly common interest. However, after probing further, I learned that she used to put on her mother’s high heels as a child then go in her parents’ vehicle and pretend she was driving. On her profile I wrote, When I was little, I’d put on heels, climb into our car and pretend I was driving. I don’t know why I wore heels but I do know that I still love to travel.

If you’re writing your dating profile yourself then be sure to do more than just list common interests. Instead, pick your main interests and bring them to life with an anecdote.

More Dating Profile Examples
Here are some other examples from dating profiles I’ve written that demonstrate how an interest can go from being commonplace to unique:

I love animals became:
I rescued a cat who was missing a tail. I adopted a terrier that was missing a leg. Though I’m not missing anything myself, I do have extra time for the right woman.

I love short stories became:
I spent two full days obsessed with trying to catch a killer. It’s a good thing I love short stories more than novels; otherwise I’d never get anything done.

I like sci-fi because No one imitates Yoda the way I do.

Personally, I don’t think anyone can write their own profile as well as I can (insert shameless self-promotion!), but I do think that you can make your interests far more interesting by avoiding adjectives and lists in favor of anecdotes.

List Of Interests For Dating Profile Template

If you like, there’s a free personality quiz on my site that will help you uncover some of your more interesting traits. From there, you can weave these into your profile so that it becomes more engaging. Though I’m the first to admit that online dating success begins with your looks (shallow as that may be), what will clinch the deal is your profile. It’s the first impression people get of your personality so you need to make it count.

Kate Houston is President and Founder of, one of the only online dating profile writing services to leverage subtle, but highly effective, ad techniques so that dating profiles stand out and compete among the millions out there.

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Brad initially struggled with online dating but over time became quite successful using it. He met his wife using online dating and has been giving advice and helping people improve their results since 2007. He has written a Free Online Dating Guide to help others find success with online dating. You can learn more about his personal experience using online dating and running this website here.