Funny Tinder Bios For Gay Guys

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  2. Funny Tinder Bios For Guys 2020
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  4. Funny Tinder Bios For Guys

Most women say that the sense of humor is that very trait they want in men. So if you have a good sense of humor, don’t hesitate to show it. Obviously, you shouldn’t write anecdotes and jokes in your bio. But you may try to describe yourself in a funny way. Take a look at the following bio example. As a bonus, I review a Tinder profile from a reader, using The Profile Checklist. Knowing your flaws will get you on the path to multiplying your matches. Download it here for free. Funny Tinder Bio Examples for guys and for girls. Let’s look at some of the best Tinder bios we could find when scrutinizing the web. FUNNIEST Tinder Bios That Will Make You Swipe Right - Part 2 - REACTIONSubscribe!#tinder #tinderbio #onlinedating #dat.

Best Funny Tinder Bios for Guys

Need the best funny Tinder bio? For guys, a good Tinder bio has to be funny, clever, and simple. If you’re a techie, choose a good, funny Tinder bio that’s a little geeky or nerdy. If you’re a gym rat, try something sports-related. Ultimately, the best Tinder bios for men reflect the personality of the man behind them.

The following potential Tinder bios are certifiably funny, clever, simple, and they’re not over-used. Feel free to swipe one and edit it however you like.

Winning Tinder Bios You Can Copy-and-Paste:


I would like to give thanks to the brave men and women who died a long time ago tasting which plants were edible and which plants were not.

Pick any number. Multiply it by two. Now add 12 to it. Divide it by 3. Now change it to 10. That’s how many seconds you just wasted.

How come Dora calls herself an “explorer” but travels exclusively through mapped territories?

Just remember, if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off.

“I don’t know why people dislike jury duty. I think being able to play god with others’ lives sounds fun!”
– How I got out of jury duty

“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people” is a quote that discusses people.

How many different animals did we have to jump on the backs of before we discovered horses were cool with it?

Somewhere in this world, someone is pulling on a door that says “PUSH.”


Dear NASA, Your mom thought I was big enough. – Pluto

There’s no killer app I haven’t run / At Pascal, well, I’m number 1 / Do vector calculus just for fun / I ain’t got a gat but I got a soldering gun
(reference to Weird Al’s “White & Nerdy”)

Multilingual: English, binary, C++, JavaScript.

Turning ☕ into code.

Schrodinger’s Cat walks into a bar… and doesn’t.

Jock/Sports Fan/Gym Rat

I can do a pushup with you on my back.

Let’s go clubbing so you can see this protein shake. 🙂

If you win three games of Twister in a row you’re automatically a yoga instructor.

I was dropped as a baby (into a pool of awesomeness and bad-assery).

Any pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself.

[TEAM NAME]: boo! hiss! [TEAM NAME]: we good

I prefer the out of doors.

Pop Culture

What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before getting married? Feyoncè.

If there is one person that’s gonna put an N’Sync song on at your house party, It’s Gonna Be Me.

… But Seriously: 99.9% of Tinder Success Is About Your Pics

💣 Tinder Bio + 😍 Tinder Pics = Tinder Matches & Dates 💋

Before you waste your Tinder matches on the wrong photos, be sure to run them through Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you exactly how your Tinder pics are coming across to women (or men). It’s free to use here.

Go to now and give it a try!

See also:
Best Tinder Bios & Profile Tips
4 Types of Funny Tinder Bios

If you have ever been on Tinder, then you are probably trying to find someone to connect with, whether it is more romantically or more physically.

And if you are trying to find someone to connect with through a dating app, then you most likely know how overwhelming the whole process can be.

You might already be using Tinder with little to no success. Or maybe you are just getting started and have no idea how to set up your profile. Either way, you feel like you could use a nudge in the right direction when it comes to using Tinder.

A huge part of having success on Tinder and getting matches is your profile. From your picture to your bio, it is the first thing that strangers will see and learn about you. So choose your photo and your words wisely.

While it does say bio, in the Tinder world that does not mean that you should write out the story of your life. In a world of smartphones and swiping left and right, very few people have the time and attention span for that.

How To Write the Best Tinder Bios

When it comes to Tinder bios, one thing is for sure. You should not leave your bio blank. If you cannot bother to write anything in your bio, then why should anyone want to get to know you?

The golden rule of writing a Tinder bio is that it should be short and sweet. Because of this, you might not know what details to include in your bio.

Do you write about your interests? Your profession? Your favorite TV shows? Your dog? Or do you want to showcase your sense of humor with a funny quote?

You will have to narrow down the information you share about yourself so that it fits into a bio that is not too long.

So what exactly does a bio mean in this case? When it comes to Tinder, your bio should tell the other person about who you are, even if they don’t walk away knowing when and where you were born and what your childhood was like.

You do not need to give out every little detail right away. Save that for someone you actually end up matching with. Even if you do find a match, it does not mean you will have a long, meaningful conversation that turns into you getting to meet up with them.

You might get to meet this person. Or you might not. Either way, you will want to save all the small details of your life for the right person and the right time.

When it comes to a nice and simple Tinder bio, you are giving people a bit of yourself. That can mean anything from a witty joke that is totally your sense of humor to a short list of your favorite things.

Below are tips on how to write a simple Tinder bio that will appeal to other people who come across your profile. You will learn about what to avoid as well as which strategies work the best.

You will also find many examples of a wide variety of Tinder bios. These simple Tinder bio examples range from the funny and quirky to the sexy and serious.

As you read the Tinder bio examples, you will notice how short they all are. They are all short enough so that the reader does not get bored, but they provide just enough information to intrigue the reader as well.

Here are some things that you will want to keep in mind as you begin to put together your very own Tinder bio:


Funny Tinder Bios For Gay Guys

Be creative

There is a very well-known saying that there are plenty of fish in the sea. What it means is that there are plenty of other people out there in the dating world.

That is why it can pay off to be unique. Try to have some creativity and originality in your Tinder bio if you want to catch someone’s interest.

Whether you have a creative outlook on life or you have a creative personality, show that off in your profile. It will set you apart from the other people on Tinder.

Be unique

This one is similar to being creative in that it encourages you to showcase how you are different from all the other people in the dating pool.

What makes you special from all the others out there? If you happen to have an interest or a favorite show or movie that you want to mention, do not be afraid to reference it in your profile.

For example, if your favorite movie is Office Space and you have a quote from that movie you love, try to work it into your profile.

If you end up matching up with someone who also loves that movie, then you will have one more thing to talk about.

Write a short list

Whether writing is not your strongest suit or you just like keeping things simple and to the point, a short list is not a bad way to write a Tinder bio.

The great thing about a list is that the bullet points will make it easy for a person to quickly read. You do not have to worry about people getting bored reading your bio because it will be so short and to the point.

But what kind of information do you put on a list? You can write a general list of things about yourself, such as a cool place that you have been to or what you do for fun.

Keep it short

This can be as little as 3 words you use to describe yourself or as long as 2 or 3 sentences. One word is way too short, while a full paragraph is just too long for most people to read.

When it comes to length in your Tinder bio, you will have a hard time finding people willing to read your 10-sentence bio or your poem that is 500 words in length. Run-on sentences are your enemy.

Be confident

You get the energy you put out. If you show the world that you already think nobody will be interested in you, then that is probably exactly what will happen.

On the other side of things, if you approach things with the confidence that there is someone out there who is right for you, then you will probably get much better results.

Even if you are not a perfect 10 with a great body or if you do not always know the right things to say, you have your own winning qualities that are unique to you.

It helps to know what these qualities are. What are you good at? What do you like to do? What makes you passionate? These pieces of information, when presented well in your bio, might attract people to you.


Be creepy or Act desperate

Whatever you do, do not say how long it has been since you have had a date. Do not joke that you will settle for anyone and do not showcase your low self-esteem.

Even if all of those things might be true, you do not want to showcase that on your Tinder bio of all places. Doing so will only repel people, not attract them.

Be cocky

While confidence is a great quality to have, especially in the dating world, too much of it can also be a bad thing.

You want people to know that you feel secure about yourself, but you do not want to come off as thinking that you are better than everyone else.

When writing your Tinder bio, remember that confidence is attractive, but arrogance is not. So have a respectful and humble tone even when you try to portray that confidence in your profile.

If you’re a guy

Mention your height if you are tall

Even if your picture shows your whole body, girls will definitely be wondering just how tall you are and if you are indeed tall, sharing that information will most likely work in your favor.

Mention where you went to school

If you went to the same school, then that can be a great ice breaker for you to talk about. There are many things you can talk about if you went to the same school from what the things you loved about it to the things that you did not like.

Mention what you do for a living

If you list your alma mater without mentioning what your job is, then most women will assume that you are unemployed. Unless you graduated recently, unemployment can be a turnoff for many, even in the world of casual dating.

Avoid hypermasculinity

With both genders, it is important to be genuine. Men often think that women prefer the super macho type of guy. That is not always true.

Also, if you are not that type of guy, then do not pretend to be. You do not have to write in your profile that you are always lifting weights at the gym or something like that if that is not you.

Be more honest about the type of guy you are. If you are more artistic, then show that in your profile and bio.

Be genuine

As mentioned above, being real is very important. While this obviously applies to any gender, women are often looking for hints that you are not who you say you are in your Tinder profile.

Do not act like you are rich if you are not and do not pretend you go out to the bar every night if that is not what you do.

If you are not romantic, then do not pretend to be. And if you are a bit of a romantic, then do not act like you are a guy who is okay with having a bunch of one-night stands.

Remember that when it comes to your Tinder profile and your bio, first impressions will help you get your foot in the door. But do not be so desperate that you lie about who you are.

So do not be fake, even on your Tinder. Try to be genuine and you might get a better chance of having good results.

If you’re a lady

Do not list your height

Even though it is desirable for men to do so, if a woman does it then it will possibly be perceived as insecure and a possible obstacle especially if she happens to be tall.

If you are a tall woman, you might be self-conscious of your height, but just see where things end up first unless you are picky enough that you only want to date guys who are taller than you.

Make an effort in your bio

If you write nothing in your bio, then it is left to the guys to message you with no information about you at all and that can be a lot of pressure.

They might even resort to using a cheesy pickup line on you. So write even one or two things about yourself and what you like so your prospective interests have some information to work with.

Do not be off-putting

Women, and even men, can be very defensive when they try to date online. They put up a defensive wall and try to act very tough or sarcastic before someone can even get their foot in the door.

Avoid writing things in your profile like “swipe left if you cannot handle this” or “I do not even know why I am on Tinder.” Remember that you are trying to attract people, not repel them.

And in most cases, self-deprecation is not attractive. Having decent self-esteem and allowing yourself to be open to new experiences is a lot more attractive.

Examples of Best Tinder Bios

There are many types of Tinder bios out there. These are just a few of them and you can choose what kind of style to use based on your own personality.

One-sentence Tinder bios

-I live alone with my dog.

-I like being straightforward and people who are straightforward with me.

-Taller than you in heels.

-I have my own place.

-I like drinking a good bloody mary and watching the sunset.


-My first…

Job was at an ice cream store

CD was The Backstreet Boys

Car was a Honda Civic

Place of my own was in Atlanta

Pet was a guinea pig named Lola

-The last…

Country I went to was Greece

Book I read was Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

TV show I finished was The Walking Dead

Movie I saw was The Hangover

Concert I saw was Phoenix

-My favorite…

Animal is the sloth

Food is a cheeseburger

Place to vacation is the Dominican Republic

-I have never…

Had a cavity

Broken a bone

Been on a cruise

Met a cat that I liked

-About me: I love trying new things, my adorable dog, and going camping

-About you: Easygoing, loves dogs, okay with a little spontaneity


-I care more about who you are as a person than hearing about all the nice places you have traveled.

-Don’t try to impress me with what you think I will like. Just be yourself.


-Do not ask me for sexy pictures. Take me to dinner, get to know me, and then try to get with me alone in a room like a normal person.

-I am kind of hoping that your standards are lower than mine.

-Looking for my future ex-husband.

-The only thing that is lower than my standards is my self-esteem.

-Looking for my next victim.

-I have red hair, which means that I have no soul.

-Let’s be miserable together.

-I am just a prince looking for his Tinderella.

-I am Tinderella looking for her prince.

-“The most amazing girl you will ever meet” -My best friend Anna

-“Has great breath and is a pro at flossing” -My dentist

-“Will give you the time of your life” -My last date

-“An outstanding guy” -The New York Times

-“He is my hero” -The most interesting man in the world

-“Definitely a winner” -My mom

-You must be my GPA because I know that I could do better. The problem is that I am just too lazy to try harder.

-If you cannot laugh at yourself, then I will happily do it for you.

-Being a single mom is hard. At least that is what they tell me. I wouldn’t know since I don’t have any kids.

-Looking for someone to bring to family events so that everyone will stop bugging me about it.

-I make a great wedding date.

-I make a great plus one at family functions and weddings.

-The last guy who swiped left on me shriveled up and died from loneliness and boredom. Don’t be like that guy.

-Married with 3 kids and looking for someone to spice up my life. Just kidding. My kids are really velociraptors.

Funny Tinder Bios For Gay Guys Videos

-Will send you pictures in exchange for pizza.

-A spellchecked, proofread essay in the streets, and a completely wild and unmoderated comments section in the sheets.

-Let’s meet, fall in love too quickly, and rush into getting married. We’ll have 2 kids who end up resenting us for the rest of their lives. After a year of couples counseling, our marriage will end up in a bitter divorce. One of us will walk away penniless. But we’ll always have the good memories. Especially that time we went to Costa Rica.

-I am the one that you meet before you meet “the one.” We’ll meet and have our fun but it won’t work out. But the next one you meet after me will be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. So in a way, I am kind of like a lucky charm.

-I want someone to sleep with. And by sleep, I mean cuddle in bed under cozy blankets.

-I like to take long walks on the beach as the sun rises, until the drugs wear off and I realize that I am in an abandoned parking lot with the lights on a cop car shining on me.

Funny Tinder Bios For Guys 2020

-Let’s have a contest to see who is better in bed. I have been known to be a sore loser.

-I am 6 foot and 4 inches. Those are two separate measurements.

-If we go out, you are paying and not just for me. My wife is part of the deal too and I have to warn you that she is not a cheap date.

-The good news is that your parents will love me. The bad news is that your neighbors won’t.

-I am not going to be the girl that you marry. But I will be the girl that you think about 20 years down the road when you and your wife are having some boring conversation in bed. You will be pretending to listen to her, but you will really be thinking about the nasty things we did 20 years ago.

-If you like bad girls, then you have hit the jackpot. Because as it turns out, I am bad at everything.

-I have a great body and I am a fantastic cook.

-My ventriloquist dummy and I are a package deal.

Funny Tinder Bios For Gay Guys Youtube


So now you know how to write a simple Tinder bio. Each bio example was relatively short with very specific tones ranging from funny and flirty to serious.

Remember that originality is important so do not copy anything for your profile word for word unless it is a direct quote.

Let the profile examples above guide you when it comes to writing your own original profile. You can even go back and tweak or rewrite your profile if you later feel like it no longer suits you.

Funny Tinder Bios For Guys

You get to decide how others will view you. So put your best effort in the world of Tinder and see who is out there waiting to connect with you.